Dvě místa na slunci

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Becky Chambers: Dvě místa na slunci (Hardcover, Czech language, 2018)

Hardcover, 438 pages

Czech language

Published Oct. 24, 2018

Copied ISBN!
4 stars (8 reviews)

Lovelace byla kdysi jen umělou inteligencí na tunelářské lodi. Když se po zhroucení a restartu systému probudí v umělém těle, nic si nepamatuje. Přesto musí znovu začít žít ve světě, kde je sama její existence ilegální.

Technička Chilli, která spolu se svými kolegy pro Lovelacinu záchranu nasadila krk, je odhodlaná jí se životem v novém světě pomoci. Chilli má totiž s novými začátky vlastní zkušenosti.

Chilli a Lovey společně zjistí, že i když je galaxie nezměrně rozlehlá, pro opuštěnost v ní není místo.

13 editions

The two main characters just weren't for me

3 stars

Thoroughly enjoyed the worldbuilding and the story, but I felt like I had to do the work to relate to the characters. They both start off at points in their lives that are unique, interesting - and hard to wrap my head around. The author does a great job giving them distinct voices and letting them grow over time, but I just found them too far removed to really get into the book.

The secondary characters, however! I really loved reading about them from the perspectives of the protagonists, and as always, the interactions are wonderfully crafted.


4 stars

Druha cast navazuje volne na predchozi dej, kdy Sidra, byvala lodni UI Lovelace, obyva lidsky telo. Je to opet poklidny, pohodovy cteni a plyne nak tak samo.

Kdyz se nad tim zamyslim vic, tak flashback cast je dost slusne propracovana a pride me tenhle dil o poznani kvalitnejsi.

Second story focuses on (not only) troubles of former spaceship AI moved to human body. There's also flashback to Chilli's childhood, painting careless society growing genetically modified kids for labor. It's somewhat more complex than first part and I like different timelines, despite being it a bit predictable.

made me cry more than once

5 stars

I absolutely adored this book. I realise that part of this is that it was a perfect little escape while I was stuck at home with covid, but I do also think it's really wonderful.

It has some similar strengths to the first in the series, in that it's mostly about the relationships between a few outcast characters that become a chosen family and just happen to be in space. But if anything I think it's better written (I guess Chambers getting into her stride with book 2), and benefits from being a more focussed story of a smaller number of characters. And has some weightier things to say about embodiment, the tension between fitting in and freedom, and loyalty & reciprocity.

I am excited about the rest of the series.


  • Science Fiction
  • Fiction, science fiction, general