StoryDragon commented on The Beautiful Decay by Veo Corva
Content warning The Beautiful Decay, comment; spoilers (chapter 42)
I love that Ree is even able to navigate there where she doesn't really know it. And I am glad they escaped.
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Content warning The Beautiful Decay, comment; spoilers (chapter 42)
I love that Ree is even able to navigate there where she doesn't really know it. And I am glad they escaped.
Content warning The Beautiful Decay, qoute; spoilers (chapter 41)
There was a shout; a woman's voice, incoherent. Both paladins stiffened and then ran for the source. Usther barely hesitated to follow. They were running toward the chamber in which she'd been imprisoned. Which meant that shout had either come from Arthura or Andomerys.
— The Beautiful Decay by Veo Corva (Page 288)
Oh no. That is not a good sign... And of course I want to read on, but yeah, it is time to sleep as well... I guess I will read the rest of the book in one day then tomorrow...
Content warning The Beautiful Decay, comment on chapter 40; spoilers
So it was indeed their messing with time that brought the Many-That-Hungers... Also, apparently nobody seems to like Tarantur?
Content warning The Beautiful Decay, qoute; spoilers (chapter 39)
She drew herself up as tall as she could and said imperiously, 'I hate to say it, Mykol, but you've been a terrible host.' Mykol's expression was at first puzzled, then he broke into a radiant smile. 'Humour,' he said. 'Our beloved servants said humans are prone to it.'
— The Beautiful Decay by Veo Corva (Page 268)
Content warning The Beautiful Decay, comment; Big spoilers (chapter 38)
Oh no! The Many-that-hungers is now inside Ree?! Festering rats! And Mykol and Celia... Oh terrible festering rats...
Content warning The Beautiful Decay, quote; spoilers (chapter 37)
'Oh, don't worry,' said Symphona. 'You'll be reunited with all your little friends soon. Ellenil and Tarantur are seeing to that.'
— The Beautiful Decay by Veo Corva (Page 259)
Oh no... Oh no!
Ilath lor tu Ustheri
— The Beautiful Decay by Veo Corva (Page 253)
I love to see that this ancient magic language has inflection of names.
Content warning The Beautiful Decay, quote; spoilers (chapter 36)
Smythe nodded, biting his lip in thought. Ree despised how endearing she found that. 'The fungi have been mostly inert,' he said. 'Perhaps whatever does the thinking for them is busy elsewhere?' 'Busy with what?' Smythe shrugged helplessly, but his words had ignited some to in Ree's brain. 'There's still one paladin unaccounted for,' she said. 'And Persephone said the gods pull them wherever they're needed.'
— The Beautiful Decay by Veo Corva (Page 247)
Ooh! Interesting! So could the eery ease now mean that there actually is no trick or trap at all? Interesting! That would be cool!
'You can't be serious,' said Usther, letting her disdain positively drip from her voice. Disdain was a powerful weapon, especially against other necromancers. They absolutely could not bear to be thought less of.
— The Beautiful Decay by Veo Corva (Page 227)
I love this.
Content warning The Beautiful Decay, quote; Spoilers
The door creaked open. Mortana peered around, her wyrdling horns scraping the wood. She held a red curse in her hand, a cruel orb of light waiting to be released. 'What are you doing here?' she asked. Her gaze went to the others, and her eyes narrowed. 'Who are they?' 'Usther, Persephone, and...Smythe.' She said the last name with reticence, knowing the reaction it would get. But instead of fear or anger, Mortana's brows lifted. 'Smythe Townslayer? Come in, come in.' She pulled the door open wider.
— The Beautiful Decay by Veo Corva (Page 219)
Once again someone seeming to be relieved to see Smythe Townslayer... It is really incredibly bad then...
This book will be awesome. Back the Kickstarter!
Truthfully, it was nice to have Ree annoyed at her. It made everything feel a lot more normal than it had these last few days.
— The Beautiful Decay by Veo Corva (Page 215)
Content warning The Beautiful Decay, commenting on the end of chapter 29; spoilers
No. I don't like Andomerys staying. Who knows what might happen to her? But I like that she stays. True to her cause.